We’re not a traditional four-year college; we’re a non-profit college focused on career-specific training.* PG电子游戏的学生都是希望在更个性化的环境中接受教育的人.
Our classes focus on skills predicted to be in dem和 in your area 和 are taught by instructors who have direct experience in the industry you’ll be studying. 了解更多关于PG电子游戏校园的历史.
Are you looking for a college or technical school that can help you make a fresh start 和 help prepare you for a new career?* 在PG电子平台跟PG电子游戏谈谈.
PG电子游戏的招生团队成员将与您协商,以确定您感兴趣的项目或领域. PG电子游戏有超过29个学位和文凭课程可供选择,其中一些可以在网上找到. 请注意,并非每个校区都提供所有课程. 向你的招生代表咨询详情.
有关入学要求的更多信息,请访问 校园目录.
PG电子平台入学不要求标准化考试成绩. 你不需要提交SAT, ACT或AP成绩. 此外,不需要IB考试成绩.
PG电子平台不提供提前录取或有条件录取. 一旦未来的学生达到入学要求,他们就会被录取.
获得你之前学习学分的评估, you can request that an official transcript be sent to PG电子平台 from the institution(s) you attended previously.
PG电子平台提供虚拟招聘会, 与同学和教员的在线会议, 还有各种各样的课外活动. 每个校区都有自己的活动清单. 如果学生有兴趣成为专业协会或俱乐部的会员, 他或她可以与校园院长会面,讨论并安排此类会员资格或了解更多信息.
有关课程开始日期的更多信息,请访问 校园目录.
工作人员和教职员工为新生进行一次或多次介绍会. 迎新会通常提供有关项目时间表的信息, 校园政策和程序, 学生经济援助责任概述*, 就业服务处提供的服务, 学生行为准则, 以及其他学生可能感兴趣的问题. 有关迎新活动的信息将传达给学生.
这取决于你的入学计划. Some programs may require immunizations due to the regulatory nature of future employment opportunities or externships. Please contact your admissions representative for specific information regarding your program of enrollment.
PG电子平台 may accept transfer credits for degree programs from certain accredited colleges 和 universities. Transfer credits are also accepted for degree 和 diploma programs from other PG电子平台 campuses.
Credits are accepted on the basis of applicability to the chosen program of study 和 at the discretion of the 校园' Director of Education or the 校园 President. 可接受的学分转换, students must have an official transcript sent directly to the campus from the college or university that awarded the credits. 除非学生的最低成绩达到“C”,否则不接受转学分."
Recipients of veteran's benefits (GI Bill) must also provide a copy of their DD 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty.
如果被转移的学分是学期学分, then they will be converted into quarter hours at the rate of one semester credit hour equals one 和 one-half quarter credit hours. No more than 50% of a degree program's total required credit hours to graduate may be fulfilled with transfer credits, 除非学分是从PG电子平台的一个校区转移到另一个校区, 在这种情况下,可以转让50%以上. Certain 状态 regulations may restrict the number of credit hours that may be transferred into certain programs.
学费的多少取决于你选择的课程. 也, remember that your tuition will not increase after you enroll unless interrupt your program by dropping 和 returning at a later date.
符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助. PG电子游戏将与你密切合作,制定一项资助你学习的计划, 包括申请联邦, 状态, 以及其他补助金, 奖学金, 和贷款. Check with an admissions or a financial services representative for more details 和 any restrictions on eligibility.
如果你之前已经在学校注册并激活,并且已经放弃或被放弃, 如果你符合以下条件,你可能有资格重新注册:
PG电子平台 recognizes the right of persons with disabilities to participate in 和 benefit from the educational programs provided. 学校不会歧视符合入学要求的残疾人士, 它为残疾学生提供身体上的便利,包括, 但不限于, 残疾学生停车场, 轮椅通道, 以及校园公共区域的可达性.
必要时,并有充分的通知, the campus will make an effort to provide reasonable accommodations to enable students with disabilities to participate in the programs offered by the campus. 更多的细节可以在校园目录中找到.
根据联邦法律,PG电子平台的一些校区有权招收非移民外国学生. 外国学生不收取额外的学杂费. 然而,经济援助可能无法获得. 请与您选择的校园的招生主任联系以获取更多信息.
No, PG电子平台及其校园不经营自己的住房设施, 他们也不认可或监督任何特定的住宅小区.
您可以在删除/添加期间添加一个或多个课程. 您可以在退选/加选期间退选一门或多门课程, 不记录成绩,不收取学费. 如果你在减课/加课期后退课, 您将被收取该课程的学费,并将收到以下成绩:
You are eligible to change programs if you contact the Registrar’s Office before the end of the drop/add period of the term during which you want to enroll in the new program. 如果您这样做,您将需要填写新的申请和注册协议. 也, be aware that changing programs may make you ineligible to receive financial aid or may reduce the amount of financial aid you're eligible for. 更多细节见校园目录.